
Warm Up:  
EMOM:  6 min 
1) Down and backs or 200m run 
2) Plank Shoulder tap 
3) Prowler Push Down and Back

3 Sets: 
- 10 Heavy Rows or Chainsaw 
- 10 Toes To Bar or 25 In and Outs
- 10 Box Jump/ Db Step Ups 

Performance: 1 round for time 

  • 1000m Ski or 1 Mile Run 

  • 40 DB Front Rack Lunge (40/25)

  • 30 Pull Ups

  • 20 Burpee Push Up 

  • 1 Mile Bike

Down and back up: 

  • 100 mountain climbers 

  • 90 Second Plank

  • 80 high knees 

  • 70 lunges 

  • 60 russian twist 

  • 50 jump squats 

  • 40 flutters 

  • 30 plank jacks 

  • 20 push ups 

  • 10 Burpees  

2 rounds each side: 
20 sec side plank 
- 10 elbow touch (in side plank)

