At Home Workout Challenge
Warm Up:
2 rounds or 400m Run
10yd bear crawl forward
10yd bear crawl backward
10 air squats + :20 Palio chair on last squat
20 Standing Knee to elbow
Db/Kb Variation
3 Rounds; Rest 2:00 between rounds
KB/ Db Swing
Push Up (Hand Release)
Bodyweight Variation:
3 Rounds; Rest 2:00 between rounds
Sumo Jump Squats
Sit Ups
Push Ups (scale to floor press or bench dips)
*You complete 21 thruster/21 swing/ 21 push up/ 15 thruster/15 swing/15 pushup/9 thruster/9 swing/ 9 push up = 1 Round