Warm Up:
- 400m or down and back
- Prowler Push down and back
- 50 sec plank; 40 sec palio chair; 30 sec hollow
- 20 tuck ups; 10 lunge w/ twist
For Time w/4 burpees on the top of every minute
**Start with Burpees
- 20 Goblet Squats 70/53
- 20 SDHP
- 20 Weighted Step Ups 40/30
- 20 V Ups
- 20 Front Squats 40/30
Finisher: - 50 Banded GM
- 50 banded Squats
5 sets:
- :30 Kb Swings
- -rest 15 sec-
- :30 Db Front Squats
- -rest 15 sec-
- :30 Ring Rows
- -Rest 15 sec-
Cashout: 500m row for time
Rest 2 minutes
3 Rounds of 5 second levels with 10 GHD or elevated situps between rounds