Warm Up: 1 Minute jump rope
Down and Backs: High Knee, Butt Kick, High Kick, Lunge X 2
- Lateral Band Walk
- Hip Swings
- PVC Press and Pass Thru x 20
Performance: 5RM Bench Press
3 Rounds:
- Incline Db Bench x 10
- Tri cep Pull down x 20
Every 4 Minutes for 5 Rounds:
- 400m Run
- 12 Toes to bar/ Knee to elbows
*each round for time
3 Rounds:
DB Bench x 10
Tri Cep Pull down x 20
1 Round for time:
- 200m
- 15 Burpee
- 200m
- 30 Renegade row
- 200m
- 45 Knee Raises
- 200m
- 60 Walking Lunges
- 200m
- 75 Rope slam
- 200m
- 100 sec weighted plank
3 Sets: 30 sec on 30 sec rest
- Flutter kicks
- Russian twist
- lying toe touch