Warm Up:
Run 200m
Hold a plank; Hollow and Jump Rope amount of time it takes to run
EMOM x 28 Minutes
- 12/10 Cal Bike
- :45 Ring Plank
- 15/12 Cal Row
- :45 KB Front Rack Hold (53/35)
EMOM x 28 Minutes
1) 10/8 Cal Bike
2) 45 sec plank
3) 10/8 Cal Row
3) :45 Kb Front Rack (36/25)
3 sets, for quality
- 15 BB Curls
- 12 Ring Rows
- 9 Chin Ups or Chin Up Grip Pull downs
Strength Training
Barbell Curls = 5 - 5 - 10 - 5 - 5 (Try to start and end with the same weight)
Incline Skull Crushers = 3 x 10
Alternating Dumbbell Curls = 3 x (8/8)
Single Arm Tricep Pushdown or Tricep Kickbacks = 3 x (8/8)