Warm Up:
Down and Backs or 400m
2 Rounds:
- Lateral Band Walk
- 20 Banded Goodmornings
- 10 High Step Up
Performance: AMRAP 21 Minutes
- 21 AbMat Sit Ups
- 15 Jumping Medball Squats (20/14)
- 7 Deadlifts 185/125
Fitness: AMRAP 21 Minutes
- 21 sit ups
- 15 air squats
- 7 Kb deadlift
3 sets:
:30 Row for max Calorie
:30 Rest
-rest 2 minutes or as needed -
3 sets
:30 Max KB Swings
:30 Rest
Strength Training
Standing Barbell Strict Press - 5 - 5 - 5
Push Press (Start with your last set of 5 on Strict) - 5 -5 - 5
Barbell Upright Row = 3 x 8
Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise = 3 x Rep