Warm Up: 1 Minute Each Movement
- 200m Jog
- Jump Rope
- Body Weight lunge
- Light Prowler Push
- Lateral Band walk
Performance: Build to a heavy 5 Rep Back Squat
EMOM 5: 3 reps @ heavy five rep
3 Rounds for time:
- 20/15 Calories Row
- 15 Wall Balls
- 15/10 HR Push Up
3 Sets
- Run 400m/ Row 400m/ Bike 20/15 Cal
- 21 Db Squats
- 15 Ring Rows
*alternate run/ row bike
Shredded Core:
5 sets
- 5 strict toes to bar/ Knee to elbow
- 10 V-Ups
- 15 Weighted Russian Twist
- 20 Weighted Flutter Kicks
-rest as needed between sets-
*Russian twist and flutter kicks hold plate or DB
**scale moves as needed