EMOM: 6 minutes
Jump Rope
Plank/ Hollow
Performance: BB Bench
5 RM Bench
*build to a 5 rep max on Bench Press
4 Rounds:
AMRAP x 3 Minutes/ 1 minute rest between
3-6-9-12-15-18 and so on...
Db Clean to OH (40/30)
Burpee Push UP Box Jump
*pick up where you left off each round
* post score to whiteboard
4 x 10: BB or DB Bench Press
Superset W/ 15 banded tri cep pull downs
1) 15 Wall Balls
2) 15 KB SDLHP
3) 15 Box Jumps/ Step Ups
4) 15 Push Press
5) 12/9 Cal Ski
6) Rest
* scale reps to something you can get in the minute