Warm Up:  2 Rounds
30 sec each:   Alternated moves 2nd round 
Step up/ Air Squat
Jump Rope/ Jump rope 
Flutter/ Hollow Rock  
Shoulder Tap/ Push up 

Build to a heavy 5 Deadlift 
3 sets: 
5 Deadlift 
9 Low Row 
12 Lat Pull Downs 

Every 2 Minutes: 

  1. 300m Run/ Ski 

  2. Prowler Push Down and Back Twice *use low bar on way back

  3. Row 400/350m 

  4. 15 Burpee 

  5. 20 sit ups/ 20 russian twist 

  6. 30 Kb Swing 

  7. 1:30 Plank 

  8. 30 Ring Rows 

  9. Bike 20/15 Cal 

  10. 200m Farmer Carry

*You have 2 Minutes to complete each station.  Rest remainder   

