Warm Up: 10-8-6
Cal Ski/Row
Med Ball Slam
*50 Jump Rope between each set and to finish
4 Sets for Quality
10 DB Renegade Rows
10 DB Hammer Curls
10 Db Bicep Curl
10 Db Bent Over Row
1 Round
5:00 Stations
1:00 Rest b/t Stations
Station 1
10 Alt Db Snatch
20 DB Front Rack Lunge
20 V Ups
Station 2 EMOM
10/8 Cal Bike
Station 3
10 Wall Ball
20 Ball Slam/ Rope Slam (Alternate)
20 Sit Ups
Finisher 2-3 sets
20 Calf Raises
20 Alt V Ups
20 Arm Haulers