Warm Up: 3 rounds
5 Burpee or 7 Cal Ski
10 sec dead hang
20 sec plank
:30 wall sit or palio chair
3 x 10
BB Bent Row, work up in weight each set
*Warm up to squat weight for you
Hand Stan Push Up
Front Squat, 135/95
10 Calories (calories stay the same each round)
*1 way prowler between sets as heavy as possible
Fitness: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Push Press *use empty bar or db’s
Front Squat *use empty bar or db’s
7 Calories (calories stay the same each round)
1 Way Prowler between set as heavy as possible
2 rounds:
15 banded face pull
15 db hammer curl
15 db tricep kickback