Warm Up:  Down and Backs 0r 200m
3 rounds

  • 15 Banded Pass Throughs

  • 10 Empty Barbell or PVC OHS (Overhead squat) 

  • 5/5 Landmine or Banded Rotation 

  • 50 Jump Rope

Performance:  5x 

  • 1 Tempo Squat ( :05 down, :01 pause at bottom, up)

  • 2 Back Squat

  • 3 Strict Pull Ups (slow and under control) 

*Build to a tough one on squats and then start your 5 sets including the pull ups

2:00 Max Cal Bike
1:00 KB Swing
1:00 KB Goblet Lunges
*score is total calories + reps 

Fitness: EMOM X 9 MIn
1) 12 Alt. DB Step Ups
2) 12 Seated DB Arnold Press
3) :45 Plank

For Time: 21-15-9
Thrusters (95/65)
Ring Row 
Sit UP 
*prowler down and back between sets 

Challenge: Every :30 seconds until failure, meet the following checkpoints:

:30 = 10/7 calories
:60 = 20/14 calories
:90 = 20/21 calories
2:00 = 30/28 calories
2:30 = 40/35 calories
3:00 = 50/42 calories

Do not stop rowing if you reach a checkpoint early, extra calories can be banked and count toward later rounds. Once you fail to accumulate the prescribed number of calories by the corresponding checkpoint, the test is done.

