Warm Up:  Down and Backs 
3 x
:60 Bike/run or Row
6/6 DB Front Rack Step Up
40yd Waiter's Walk (One @ side, one overhead)

3x DB orLandmine Complex 

  • 6/6 SL RDL

  • 6/6 Chainsaw 

  • 6/6 Kneeling Press

  • 6/6 Ground to OH (Db Snatch or Clean and Press) 

Complete 3x10 of each exercise before moving on to the next 
rest :60 between sets

  • -Double DB/Kb Squat

  • - DB Bench Press

  • -Strict Pull Ups *

  • -Box Jump

  • -Strict Press

  • -Chin Ups

  • -Sumo Deadlift 

*Pull Ups/Chin Ups- if 10 is virtually impossible lower reps to 5 or grab a band that allows you to get 10 in 2 sets or fewer

Fitness: 3 Rounds
1:00 stations
:20 Transitionb/t Stations
1:00 Rest b/t Rounds

Station 1
DBL DB Ground to Overhead 

Station 2
Burpee Over DB

Station 3
Box Step Ups

Station 4
Cal Bike

