Warm Up:  Every two minutes for 6 Minutes:  
250/200m, remainder of time is plank or hollow hold

Performance:  21-15-9
Deadlift (185/135) 
Bench Press (135/95)
Pull Ups 
*10 Calories between sets and to finish 

Fitness:   3 sets building 
10 Kb Deadlift
10-12 Db Incline Bench 
10-12 Banded Pull Up/ Lat Pull Down 

10 Rounds For Time

  • 6 Up Downs

  • 8 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

  • 10 Box Jump/ Step Up 

Cashout:  2 set 

  • 7’s (curl half way up, halfway down, full curls) 

  • 10 GHD or Elevated Sit Up 

  • 10/10 Side Med Ball Throw or Med Ball Russian Twist 

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