Warm Up:
:30 Bike
20 Pvc Pass Thru
10 Bench Dip
:30 Bike
20 Band Pull Apart
10 Delt Raise
Performance: 3 sets:
6 Strict Press
4 Push Press
2 Push Jerk
*build to a heavy 6 strict press. Hit 3 sets from that point.
EMOM x 15 Minutes
1) 15/12 Cal Row
2) 20 Sit Ups
3) 15 Db Floor press
Aux: 2 x 12
Low Row
Front Delt Raise
Db Reverse Fly
Fitness: 2 sets: 10-12 Reps
Low Row
Front Delt Raise
Db Reverse Fly
For Time:
Ball Slam
Ring Row
Push Ups or Floor Press
Sit Ups