Warm Up:
400m Row
1 Min Jump Rope
200m Jog
:30 Plank
Prowler down and back
:20 Hollow hold
Performance: Box Squat 5-5-5-5-5
*Build over the course,
Complete 5 Strict Pull Ups + 5 Push Ups Between sets
For Time: 3 rounds
400m run
20 Russian swings
Then straight into…..
3 rounds
20/15 calories bike
15 t2b
10 burpee
Fitness: Db Front/ Goblet Squat
Complete 5 ring row and 5 push ups between sets:
3 Rounds: 1:00 Stations
:20 Transition b/t Stations
1:00 Rest b/t Rounds
Med Ball Walking Lunge
Russian Twist
Med Ball Press
Flutter Kicks