Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless. —Jamie Paolinetti

Warm Up: 200m Down and backs 

3 min cardio:  Jump Rope, Bike, Jumping Jack/ Plank Shoulder tap 

2 x 20 
PVC Pass Thru 
Band Pull Apart 

Performance: Build to a heavy 3 shoulder press 
3x3 Shoulder Press 
3x5 Push Press
*attempt to use same weight across all sets 

4 Rounds :30 on :30 off
-Db Snatch (alternate arms )  (40/30) 
-Calorie Row
Score= total reps + cals 

Fitness:  3 sets: 

  • 5 Arnold Press 

  • 7/7 Renegade Row 

  • 10 Lateral Shoulder Raise 

2 Rounds
1:30 Stations
*30 sec Plank (or Rest) b/t Stations

Station 1
Max Meter Row

Station 2
Max High Box Step Ups

Station 3
Max Ball Slams 

Station 4:
10 Sit Ups/ 20 Flutters 


Setting goals is the first step into turning the invisible into the visible. – Tony Robbins


Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence. — Vince Lombardi