Warm Up:
3 Rounds:
10 Ball Slam deadlift
10 Ball Slam Push Press
10 Sizzor Jump on Slam Ball
10 Plank Slam Ball Touch*
*place ball out in front of you, while holding a plank reach out and touch the ball
Performance: Complete 1 round every 4 minutes for 16 minutes
10 deadlift (155/125)
10 Bar facing Burpee
10 Cal Assault Bike
10 Wall Ball
EMOM 9 or 3 rounds
200/150m Row
Prowler Push Down and Back
12-15 Ring Rows
Rest 1 Minute
EMOM x 9 or 3 rounds
10 Step up W/ curl
20 Bench Dip
10/7 Burpees
Core Cashout: 2 sets
15 GHD/ elevated sit ups
10/10 Tea Pots (side oblique dips)