Warm Up:
200m or down and backs
20 PVC Pass Thru
20 Band Pull Aparts
20 Air Squat w/ band around knees
*focus on driving knees out during squatsPerformance: 3 Rounds:
5 DB Arnold Press AHAP
10 Lat Delt Raise20 Alt Plank shoulder taps
10/10 Single Leg Box Squats
AMRAP x 10 Minutes
5 Box Jumps
7 Pull Ups
9 Db Hang clean and Jerk
Fitness: 3 Rounds:
5 DB Arnold Press AHAP
10 Lat Delt Raise
20 Alt Plank shoulder taps
10/10 Single Leg Box Squats
5 Rounds…
15-Kettle Bell Deadlift High Pull
20-Russian Twist
10-Knee raises with ball
20 Lat Over