Warm Up: EMOM
1) 10/7 Cal Bike
2) :45 Jump Rope
3) :45 Pass Thru
4) :45 Band Pull Apart
5) Prowler Down and Back
8/8 Front/ Lat Delt Raise
-rest as needed between sets
Build to a 5RM Strict Press
AMRAP x 15 Minutes
500/400m Row
40 Med Ball R-Twist (over and back = 2)
30 Ring Row
20 Push Ups
10 Push Press (95/65)
*Score = Round + reps; Start back with the row when you finish push press until 15 Minutes has passed
Fitness: Superset
Arnold Press 8,8,8
Lat Pull Down 10,10,10
Tri Cep Pull Down 12,12,12
3 Rounds
1:30 Stations
:30 Rest b/t Stations
No Rest b/t Rounds
Station 1
:45 Russian Twist
:45 Tuck Hold
Station 2
Max Cal Bike
Station 3
:45 Up Downs
:45 Plank Hold
Stations 4
Max Cal Row/Ski
2 Sets
20 Banded Face Pulls
20 Banded Tricep Pull Downs