
Warm Up: 3 sets 
1 Way Prolwer 
10 Med Ball Slam
15 Sit Up
20 Jump Rope 

1 x 30 Sec Palio Chair 

Performance: Front Squat 5-3-1-1
Continue building to a heavy 1Rep 

Death By (7:00) Cap 
6 Kb Swing (70/53) (53/35)
-Reps Go Up By 6 Every Minute: 6-12-18 and so on

-Rest 2:00

Death By (7:00 Cap) 
5 Up Down
-Reps Go Up By 5 Every Minute: 5-10-15 and so on 

-Rest 2:00 

Death By (7:00 Cap) 
4 Kipping Pull ups (Banded or Ring Rows)
-Reps Go Up By 4 Every Minute: 4-8-12 and so on

Death By (No Cap)
3 Calorie
-Reps go up 3 Every Minute: 3-6-9 and so on 

Fitness: 3-4 sets Building 
5 Front Squat
7/7 Chain Saw
10 DB Suitcase Lunge 

Every 5:00 For 3 sets
200m Run 
20 Ring Row 
20/15 Cal
20 Plank Shoulder Taps 
10 Push Ups

