Warm  Up: 400m or down and backs
20 PVC Pass Thru
2 x 10:  Med ball Deadlift and Press 

Performance: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
Bench Press (135/95) 
*3-5 Strict Pull-ups after Each Set

3 Rounds
:40 On :20 Off
-Push Up
-ABmat sit up
- Low Row or Chainsaw 

Fitness: 3 sets building
10 Db Incline Bench 
10/10 Seesaw Bent Row
10 Hanging knee raise or tuck up

3 Rounds
1:30 Stations
:30 Rest b/t Stations
No Rest b/t Rounds

Station 1
Max Meter Row

Station 2
Box Step-ups

Station 3
200m Run 

Station 4
Ball Slam 

Station 5
Prowler Push Down and Back + 30 Plank Shoulder Tap 



Crunchfest is coming!