Crunchfest is coming!
Warm Up: EMOM:
1) 200m
2) Jump Rope
3) Air Squats
4) Lateral Band Walk
5) Band Pull Apart
Performance: 5/3/1 Back Squat
*attempt to add 5-10lb to last weeks 3rm for your 1 set
3 rounds for time of:
20 Wall-ball shots
30 Body Weight walking lunges
400m Run
Fitness: 5,5,5,5,5 Goblet squats
*building in weight each set
** Perform 10 Ring Row or Lat Pull down between sets
Workout: 1 Round
4:00 Stations
1:00 Rest b/t Stations
Station 1: AMRAP
10-Alt. DB Snatch
10 Sit-ups
Station 2: EMOM
10 Burpees or Thrusters
Station 3: AMRAP
10 Body Weight or DB Front Rack Lunges
20 Mountain Climbers
Station 4: AMRAP
Row for Calories
Core Finisher: 3 Sets
10 V-ups
:20 L Side Plank
:20 R Side Plank
20 Russian Twist
:20 Hollow Hold