“Everyone has the fire, but the champions know when to ignite the spark.”
Warm Up: EMOM x 5
1) Down and backs
2) Jump Rope
3) Bike
4) DB Good Morning
5) Plank
Deadlift: 7-5-3-1-3-5-7
*In this wave loading scheme, weights in the second half should meet or exceed first half
On a 14 Minute Running Clock..
Db Alt Front Rack Lunges
Box Jump
Kb Swing
Fitness: 3 sets
5/5 Single Leg RDL
7/7 Chain Saw
10 Band Pull Apart
3 Rounds:
400m Row/Run
15 Deadlifts
10 Ring Rows
10 Step Up
1 Prowler Push
Finisher; 3 sets:
30 Weighted Hollow Flutter Kicks
15 Glute Bridge + 15 sec hold in top bridge position on last rep