Setting goals is the first step into turning the invisible into the visible. – Tony Robbins
Warm Up:
500m Row
40 sec Palio Chair/ Wall Sit
30 sec Hollow hold
Performance: 20 Min Time CAP
5 strict pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
10 strict pull-ups
20 push-ups
30 squats
20 strict pull-ups
40 push-ups
60 squats
40 strict pull-ups
80 push-ups
120 squats
*Scale pull ups to kip/ banded or jump
Fitness: AMRAP 10:
5 Ring Row
10 Push up on bar
15 Air Squats/ Step Up (alternate each round)
-rest 2 minutes
AMRAP 10 Min:
5 Cal Bike
10 Alternating Db Snatch
15 Rope Slam
Cashout: 3 sets:
7 Second Levels
15 Sec Side Plank between sets