Warm Up:
3 Minutes of cardio: Jump Rope; Step ups; Bike; Skaters
3 Minutes Core: Plank; Sit ups; R-Twist; Hollow holds
- 20 Banded Good Mornings and Glute Bridges
Performance: Deadlift
In 10 Minutes or less work up to a heavy 2 set
For Time:
- 400m Run
- 30 deadlifts (135/85)
- 20/15 Cal Bike
- 10 Strict Pull Ups
- 20/15 Cal Bike
- 30 Deadlifts
- 400m Run
Fitness: 5 x 5 Trap Bar or KB Deadlift
*work to a heavy 5 and hit 5 sets at the weight
5 Rounds or 20 Minute AMRAP
- 200m
- 10 Db Deadlifts
- 20 Body Weight Lunges
- 10 Bar Rows
Cashout: Coaches Choice