Warm Up:
- 200m
- 20 walking lunges
- 15 hand release push ups
- 50 jump rope
- 20 sec right side star plank
- 20 sec left side star plank
- 50 sec plank on elbows
Performance: Overhead Squat
15:00 to build to a heavy 3 rep OHS
3 Rounds/ 1 Min rest between rounds of..
AMRAP x 4 minutes
3-6-9-12-15 and so on…
OH Squat (95/55)
T2B or hanging knee raise
-rest one minute between rounds-
*pick up where you left off each round
EMOM 20 Minutes
1) 10/7 Cal
2) 15 sit ups
3) 15 Ring Rows
4) 10/7 Burpee
5) Prowler Push Down and Back
* scale reps as needed to keep on pace*
3 Sets
- 30 sec weighted hollow body flutter kicks (hold weight over chest)
- 10 tuck ups
- 5 V Ups