Warm Up: Down and backs
30 sec each: 2 Rounds
- Arm Circles
- Hip Swings
- Ring Rows
- Handstand of Push Up Plank
Work to a heavy 5 strict press
EMOM x 10 Minutes
- 5 Strict Presses
- 3 - 5 Strict Wide Grip Pull ups
3 Rounds:
- 400m Run
- 20 Pull Ups
- 20 Push Press (115/75)
5 Rounds for time:
- 200m
- 14 plate G2O
- 7 Burpee
- 15 sec single Arm from elbow plank (R)
- 15 sec single arm from elbow plank (L)
- :30 plank on both elbows
Cashout: Friday Special