Warm Up:
- Row 400m
- Lateral band walk down and back
- run 200m
- 20 Banded Good Mornings
- 20 Band pull aparts
- 20 Kneeling banded chops (hight to low)
Performance: 3 sets: Not for time
5 Weighted Pull up
superset with...
5/5 Heavy KB Bent row
Fitness: 3 sets
- 10 Supinated BB Row
- 5/5 Heavy kb row
EMOM 15 Minutes:
- 12 Db Deadlifts (50/35)
- 9/7 Cal Bike
- 12 Ring rows
Cashout: 3 Rounds:
- 10 GHD or elevated sit ups
- 10 Tuck Ups right into
- 20 flutters