
Warm Up:  
AMRAP 5 Min: 

  • 20 Runners
  • 20 Rope Slams 
  • 20 plank shoulder tap 
  • Lateral band walk D&B 


Close Grip Bench: 

*Adding weight each set
* max rep last set 


EMOM x 10

  1. 5 wide grip pull ups or heavy pull downs 
  2. 30 sec ring plank 

EMOM x 21

  1. 10/8 Calories 
  2. 10 Ball slam toss over shoulder  (50/30)
  3. 40 sec F- Carry AHAP 


Skull Crusher Killers:  7 - 1

Using a bar or db’s perform 7 skull crushers and 7 close bench.
6 and 6 and so on…



Crunch Express: 

AMRAP 5 Min: 

  • 20 Runners
  • 20 Rope Slams 
  • 20 plank shoulder tap 
  • Lateral band walk D&B

EMOM x 21

  1. 10/8 Calories 
  2. 10 Ball slam over shoulder  (50/30)
  3. 40 sec F- Carry AHAP







Crunch Express: 


AMRAP 5 Min: 

20 Runners

20 Rope Slams 

20 plank shoulder tap 

Lateral band walk D&B


EMOM x 21

  1. 10/8 Calories 
  2. 10 Ball slam over shoulder  (50/30)

3)  40 sec F- Carry AHAP

