Warm Up: EMOM 5
200/150m Row
Hip Swings (front to back, side to side)
Light Ball Slam
Farmer Carry
Hollow Body Flutter
Performance: 3 Rounds:
7/7 Single Leg RDL
7/7 Chainsaw AHAP
Heavy Prowler
For Time:
40 Wall Balls
30 Pull UPs/ Ring Rows
20/15 Call Bike
10 Deadlifts (#225/#155)
*work your way down and back up
Fitness: 3 Rounds:
7/7 Single Leg RDL
7/7 Chain Saw
7/7 Med Ball Russian Twist
5 Rounds or 20 Min AMRAP
10 Wall Ball
10 Ring Row
10/7 Cal Bike
10 Kb Deadlift