Warm Up: EMOM x 5
Down and Backs
10/7 cal Bike
10 Push Ups/ 20 Russian Twist
Palio Chair
Lunge W Spiderman Twist
Performance: Back Squat 10-8-6
*build to a moderate heavy 10 set working up in weight for 8 and 6 set
Fitness: EMOM 5 or 5 rounds completion
5 Db Sqauts
7 Bench Dips
10 Sit Ups
2 ROUNDS: 2:00 Stations
Station 1: Row 500/400m (Rest Remainder)
(No Rest)
Station 2: 40 KB Swings (Rest Remainder)
(No Rest)
Station 3: 60 Alt. Lunges (Rest Remainder)
(No Rest)
Station 4: 150 Jump Rope (Rest Remainder)
(Rest 2:00)
*No Rest Between Stations / 2:00 Rest b/t Rounds
**Scale reps to something you can complete and continue on
***Scale Lunges to Step ups
TABATA 4 Rounds (:20 ON/ :10 OFF)
Hollow Body Flutters
Arm Haulers or superman