Warm Up:
Down and backs:
3 Rounds:
20 rope slam
10 Body weight lunge
5 pike press
Skill: Prepare for squat
Front squat: 3,3,3,3,3+
Adding weight each set, working up to a heavy 3 for max reps
2 minutes for max reps/ 1 minute rest
- 1) Ring Rows
- 2) Front Squats 95/55
- 3) Burpees or Pushups
- 4) Deadlift (185/ 135 )
- 5) Sit-ups
- 6) Biking for Cals
- * Score is total reps for each exercise
rest 3:00 or as needed
repeat 1:00 max effort each station with a rest 30 seconds
2 minutes for max reps/ 1 minute rest
- 1) Ring Rows
- 2) Db Front Squats/ Air Squats
- 3) Burpees or Pushups
- 4) Kb Deadlift
- 5) Sit-ups
- 6) Rowing/ Biking for Cals
- * Score is total reps for each exercise
rest 3:00 or as needed
repeat 1:00 max effort at each station with a 1:00 rest