Throwback Thursday
Nate and Mitch have always been about safety first!
Warm Up:
Down and Backs
3 rounds:
20 Rope Slam
10 band pull apart
5/5 Step up
3 x 10:
5/5 Weighted lunge: Barbell or Db Suitcase carry
*add weight each set
Superset with 5/5 heavy chainsaw
2 Rounds: Continuous Clock
- 1 Minute @ each Station
- Cal Row for 1 minute
- Hollow Rock/ hollow hold or hollow body flutters
- Jump Rope
- Push Ups
- Bike
- KB Sumo Deadlift 2/1.5 pood
- Cal Row for 1 minute
- Max time handstand hold or weighted plank / Plank on Rings
rest 3:00 between rounds
Cashout: 10 - 1 1 - 10 Russian Twist