"Strength Endurance"
Warm Up (NFT):
5 Reps Each Side:
- Knee Pull
- Hip Pull
- Quad Pull w/ Forward Lean
- Reverse Walking RDL
- Reverse Walking Lunge w/ Hamstring Stretch
2 Rounds:
- 10 Sumo Good Mornings (45/35)
- 5 Front Squat
- 10 Push Press
- 5 Hang Clean High Pull
* Use the same weight for everything *
Strength (Every 2 Min For 10 Min):
- 3 Deadlift + 3 Hang Clean
* Work up to your heaviest weight possible *
Met-Con (EMOM For 15 Min):
- Min 1: 7-10 Strict Pull Ups
- Min 2: Max Rep Ring Rows
- Min 3: Recovery Row
* Score is total Ring Rows *
* Easy pace on the rower to recover *
* Scale Pull Ups with Band OR Heavy Lat Pull Downs *
Mobility (NFT):
- Front Fold
- Frog Pose
- Pigeon Pose
- Seated Forward Fold
- Banded Shoulder Distraction
- Foam Roll