100 Mountain Climbers on Sliders * Do 5 Burpees every break you take *
Met-Con (1-10 OR 5 Minutes):
Air Squat/Lateral Box Over
DB Curl/DB Press (25/15)
Sit Up/Russian Twist w/Plate (25/10)
DB Floor Press/Leg Raise (25/15)
KB Swing (53/35)/Assault Bike Calories * Rest 1 minute between stations * * Sit ups with a plate * * 1-10 OR 5 Min on each station * * Keep DBs in air on Leg Raises if possible *
Mobility (NFT):
Banded Hip Distraction
Couch Stretch
Pigeon Pose
Childs Pose
Banded Shoulder Distraction
Internal Shoulder Roatation
Foam Roll
Warm Up (NFT):
100 Mountain Climbers on Sliders * Do 5 Burpees every break you take *
Met-Con (1-10 OR 5 Minutes):
Air Squat/Lateral Box Over
DB Curl/DB Press (25/15)
Sit Up/Russian Twist w/Plate (25/10)
DB Floor Press/Leg Raise (25/15)
KB Swing (53/35)/Assault Bike Calories * Rest 1 minute between stations * * Sit ups with a plate * * 1-10 OR 5 Min on each station * * Keep DBs in air on Leg Raises if possible *