Warm Up (Complete):
Down & Back:
- High Knees
- Butt Kicks
- Arm Circles
- Inch Worm
- Lateral Shuffle
2 Rounds (NFT):
- Empty Bar Bench Press (20/10)
- 20 Rope Slams
* Do 20 reps first set, 10 second set *
Strength (EMOM For 10 Min):
- Min 1: 5 DB Chest Fly + 10 DB Chest Press
- Min 2: 10 DB Bent Over Row
* Use the same weight for all moves *
Met-Con (For Time):
- 100m Run
- 10 Handstand Push Ups
- 200m Run
- 8 Handstand Push Ups
- 300m Run
- 6 Handstand Push Ups
- 400m Run
- 4 Handstand Push Ups
- 600m Run
- 2 Handstand Push Ups
* Scale HSPU to Push Ups or Seated Shoulder Press *
* Scaled move should still be tough *
Mobility (NFT):
- Smash Shoulders w/ Ball
- Banded Shoulder Distractions
- Twisted Cross
- Chest Opener
- Ankles/Calves/Shins
- T-Spine Mobility
- Cobra
- Childs Pose
- Pigeon Pose
- Foam Roll