3 Strict Press + 2 Push Press * Work up in weight each set *
Met-Con (EMOM For 20 Min):
Min 1: Calorie Row (20/15)/Calorie Bike (15/10)
Min 2: 10 Single Arm KB Swing
Min 3: 5 Push Press
Min 4: Rest * Alternate between row and bike * * If you go heavy on swings 5 each side * * If you go light on swings 10 each side * * Use weight from strength for press *
Strength (5 Rounds):
3 DB Strict Press + 2 DB Push Press * Go AHAP *
Met-Con (EMOM For 20 Min):
Min 1: Calorie Row (16/12)/Calorie Bike (12/8)
Min 2: 10 Single Arm KB Swing (10/10)
Min 3: 5 DB Push Press
Min 4: Rest * Alternate between row and bike * * Use weight from strength for press *
Cash Out (3 Min):
Plank * Every break = 10 Sit Ups *
Mobility (NFT):
Smash Shoulders w/ Ball
Banded Shoulder Distractions
Twisted Cross
Capsule Stretch
Eagle Arms
Seated Front Fold
Pigeon Pose
Foam Roll
Warm Up (2 Rounds):
200m Row
20 PVC Pass Thrus
20 PVC Press
10 PVC Over Burpees
Met-Con (EMOM For 20 Min):
Min 1: Calorie Row (16/12)/Calorie Bike (12/8)
Min 2: 10 Single Arm KB Swing (10/10)
Min 3: 5 DB Push Press
Min 4: Rest * Alternate between row and bike * * Use weight from strength for press *