Warm Up: EMOM
1) 12/9 Cal Bike
2) Jump Rope
3) Prowler Push
4) Band Pull Apart
5) Db Good Morning
2 x 10 Lat Pull down/ Kb Swing (light)
Deadlift: Build to last weeks heavy 5 set:
Attempt to hit 5 reps every 45 seconds for 4:30 (6 sets)
*Don’t no last weeks weight, build to a moderately heavy set of 5 for sets
EVERY 4:00 x 4 SETS
400m Run
15 Ball Slams
10 Push Ups
Fitness: Kb Deadlift High pull
7 Reps every 30 seconds for 3 Minutes
5 sets:
10 Ball Slam
10 Push Up
Finisher: 3 SETS
20 Glute Bridge Ups
10 Clam Shells/Side