"Together we work, together we sweat, together we conquer."
Warm Up: 400m
3 sets:
10 Db GoodMorning
15 Band Pull Apart
20 Rope Slam
1 set: 8/8 Front/ Lat Delt Raise
3 rounds: Double DB/KB Complex
3 Deadlifts
3 Bent over Rows
3 Hang PC
10/10 Palof Press
1 Round: 4:00 Stations
1:00 Rest B/t Stations
Station 1
AMRAP 4 Minutes
5 Hex bar or Kb Deadlift
10 Push Up
Prowler Push Down and back
Station 2
2:00 Max Distance Bike
2:00 Max plank
Station 3
AMRAP 4 Minutes
20 KB Swing
10 Pull Ups/ 10 Ring Rows
Station 4
AMRAP 4 Minutes
:30 Farmers Carry
:30 Hollow Rock or Hold
Cashout: Sled/ Prowler walk Down and back x 3
(rest as needed between sets)