"Together we work, together we sweat, together we conquer."

Warm Up:  400m
3 sets: 
10 Db GoodMorning
15 Band Pull Apart
20 Rope Slam 

1 set: 8/8 Front/ Lat Delt Raise

3 rounds: Double DB/KB Complex

  • 3 Deadlifts

  • 3 Bent over Rows

  • 3 Hang PC

  • 3 STOH 

  • 10/10 Palof Press

1 Round: 4:00 Stations
1:00 Rest B/t Stations

Station 1
AMRAP 4 Minutes 
5 Hex bar or Kb Deadlift 
10 Push Up 
Prowler Push Down and back 

Station 2
2:00 Max Distance Bike 
2:00 Max plank

Station 3
AMRAP 4 Minutes 
20 KB Swing 
10 Pull Ups/ 10 Ring Rows 

Station 4
AMRAP 4 Minutes 
:30 Farmers Carry
:30 Hollow Rock or Hold

Cashout:  Sled/ Prowler walk Down and back x 3
(rest as needed between sets)


The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it. – Michaelangelo


When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal, you do not change your decision to get there. – Zig Ziglar