Warm Up: EMOM:
Down and backs
Jump Rope
Front/ Lat Delt Raise (light)
Hollow Rocks or Hold
Performance: Build to a heavy 1 rep Hang Clean
2 Rounds for time:
20 Powerclean (135/85)
25 Burpees
400m Run
AMRAP x 7 Minutes
5 Ring Rows
10 DB Shoulder to OH
15 Sit ups
AMRAP x 7 Minutes
5 Cal Bike
10 Db Snatch
15 Russian Twist
AMRAP x 7 Minutes
5 Burpee
10 Knee to elbow
15 Kb Swing
*rest one minutes between AMRAPS
Cashout: 2 rounds
15 Barbell Curl
10/10 Tricep Kick Back
:20 Hollow Hold