Warm Up:
1 Prowler Push down and Back
5 Burpee
10 Cal Bike
20 Banded Good Mornings
30 sec Palio Chair
40 sec Wall Sit
50 sec farmers carry
Performance: 5RM Back Squat: Build to a heavy 5 set
For Time:
400m Run
25 Back Squats (80% of 5rm)
400m Run
-Rest 2 Minutes-
For Time:
30 Db Thrusters 30/20
30 Pull Ups
3 Rounds:
6/6 Db Step Back Lunge
10 Kb High Pull
15 Band Pull Aparts
EMOM x 15 Minutes
60 Jump Rope/ 40 Sec Step Ups
10 Pull Ups/ 15 Ring Rows
Finisher: 2 Rounds
20 Tuck Ups
:30 Hollow Hold
20 Sit Ups
:30 Plank
-rest as needed-