Warm Up: 400m

  • 20 PVC Pass Thru

  • 20 Band Pull Apart

  • 20 Push Press Wall Ball

Bench Press: Build to a heavy 5 set
3 x 10 @ 60% of heavy 5 rep

AMRAP x 5 Minutes:

  • Run 400m
    *remainder of time = Db Clean and Jerk

Rest 1 minute

AMRAP 5 Minutes

  • Run 400m
    *remainder of time = Max Cal Bike or Row

-rest 1 minute

AMRAP x 5 minutes

  • Run 400m
    * remainder of time = max Burpees
    Post score from each round

Fitness: EMOM: 25 min or 5 Rounds

  1. 200m

  2. 15-20 sit ups

  3. Prowler Push Down and Back

  4. 15 DB Floor Press W/ Feet elevated

  5. 40 sec elbow plank

Finisher: 2 Sets

  • 30 sec Flutters

  • 15 sec rest

  • 30 sec lying toe touch

  • rest 15 sec

