Warm Up:
Light prowler push down and back
20 Banded good mornings
20 band pullaparts
*repeat this sequence cutting everything in half
Back Squat = 6 x 2
Front Squat = 4 x 5
DB lunges = 3 x (5/5)
Lying Hamstring Curl (Machine or Banded) 4 x 15
Fitness: 3 x 10-12 Reps
Kb deadlift
Knees to elbows
Med-Ball Russian Twist
EMOM x 6 Minutes:
1) 10 Burpee
2) 10 Alt Db Snatch
rest 1:00-
20 Jump Rope
20 Mountain Climber
-rest 1:00-
4:00 Running Clock
Max Plank Hold*
*Everytime you break the plank, 3 Push Ups and last push ups starts the new plank
*scale reps as needed
3 x 10 DB Bent Over Row
3 x 1:00 Weighted Hollow Hold