Warm Up:
400m or down and backs
Pvc Pass Thru
10/10 Front/ lat delt raise
Performance: 5 rounds
8 Bench Press (build over course)
1:00 Bike For Calories (goal is to stay above 70/60 RPM)
Rest 2:00 Between sets
4 Rounds For Quality
40 Double Unders or 100 Jump Rope
12 Renegade Rows (6/6) Alternate Each rep (30/20)
10 Single Leg V ups
10 Tuck Ups
10 Hollow Rocks
:10 Hollow Hold
Fitness: 3 Sets
2 Minute Row For Calories
-rest 1 minute-1 Minute Push Ups
1 Minute Kb Swings
- rest 1 Minute-
4 Rounds For Quality
100 Jump Rope or 20 short box step ups
12 Chainsaw 6/6
10 Single Leg V ups
10 Tuck Ups
:10 Hollow Hold