Warm Up: EMOM 

  1. 200m Row

  2. 12/9 Cal Bike

  3. Down and backs

  4. PVC Pass Thru

  5. Hollow Rock or Hold

Performance:  3 Rounds
- 6/6 KB Front Rack Split Squats
- 100’ Farmers Carry
*rest :30-:60 between sets 

AMRAP x 15 Minutes
18 Slam Ball to Shoulder(50/30) 
- 12 Slam Balls Reverse Lunges
200m Slam Ball Run

Fitness:  4 sets
10 Lat overs 
- 20 tricep pull downs 
- 30 sec farmers carry   

AMRAP x 7 Minutes
10 KB Sumo DL High Pull
- 8 Alt. Lunges
- 6 Tuck-ups

-Rest 1:00

AMRAP x 5 Minutes
10 Russian KB Swings
- 8 Step Up 
- 6 Tuck up 

Rest 1:00

AMRAP x 3 Minutes
10 KB Swings
- 8 Air squats 
- 6 Tuck-ups
*sub v-ups or sit ups for tuck ups 

Cashout:  2 sets:
10 Bicep Curls
12 Tricep Pull downs
15 ab moves of your choice 

