Warm Up: 200m
- :60 Jump Rope or Step up
- 50 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 40 Flutters
- 30 R Twist
- :20 Hollow
- 10 Pike Press or Push Ups
Build to a moderate heavy 10 Strict Press and use this weight to start your first set of 10 below
Row 500m-400m-300m-200m-100m
Superset with:
Strict Press 10-8-6-4-2
Then Three Attempts to find a 1rm Press
EMOM x 10
1) 20 Wall Ball
2) 200m Run
Fitness: 3 Rounds:
- 200m
- 10 Db Push Press
- 10 Rows (ring row/ chain saw or lat pull down)
1 Round
3:00 Stations
1:00 Rest b/t Stations
Station 1
20 Air Squats
Station 2
20 Sit Ups
Station 3
20 Ball Slam
Station 4
10/8 Cals
*scale reps to something that can be accomplished in the minute