Warm Up: EMOM: 
1) 12/9 Cal Bike 
2) Down and Backs 
3) Lateral Band walk 
4) Wall Sit or Palio Chair
5) Push Up Shoulder taps (perform a push up and do a plank shoulder tap at the top of each rep)  

Build to a heavy 3RM Front Squat
5x1 @ 100% of today's 3rm

EMOMx 18
MIN 1 - 200/150m Run/Row 
MIN 2- 10 Burpees
MIN 3- 20 Ball Slams 

Fitness: 4 sets 
5 Goblet Squats
- 7 Perfect Ring Row 
- 10 Lat Overs 

3 Rounds 
1:30 Stations
:30 Rest B/t Stations
No Rest b/t Rounds

Station 1
Row/Ski for Cals

Station 2
Box Step Ups

Station 3
Up Downs 

Station 4
Sit Ups

Summer Shred: 1-10 Tuck Up/ R twist With 10 Flutters between sets

