Warm Up: EMOM x 9
:40 Bike
:40 Sit Up
:40 PVC Pass Thru/ PVC Press/ MB Ground to OH


 EMOM for 5 Min: 

·  200m 

EMOM for 5min

·  10 Wall Balls

·  10 Sit up

EMOM for 5 min

·  10 Ring Rows

·  10-15 Bench Dips

EMOM for 5 Min

·  Prowler Down and back Plus 10-20 plank taps

*rest 1 minute between each EMOM segment 
*repeat a speed round completing 2 rounds at each station!?



If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you believe it won’t, you will see obstacles. – Wayne Dyer