Warm Up: 30 sec each move (2 Rounds) 
- Step Up or Jump Rope
- Overhead med ball carry
- Prowler Down and back

EMOM x 10 

1) 5 -7 Strict Pull Ups 
2)15 - 20 Push Ups 

3 Rounds: 
2:00 Stations 
No Rest b/t Stations 
1:00 Rest b/t Rounds 

Station 1
Row 500/400m (rest remainder) 

Station 2 
20 Burpees (rest remainder) 

Station 3 
2:00 Max Plank 
(every break = 10 Sit ups) 

Station 4 
2:00 Max Wall Sit 
(every break = 10 lunges)

By in: 400m

3 Rounds 
1:00 Stations 
:20 Transition b/t stations 
1:00 Rest b/t rounds 

Station 1 
Max Med Ball  Ground to Overhead

Station 2 
Max Up Downs or Cal Ski

Station 3 
Max Box Step Ups 

Station 4 
Max Cal Row 

Cashout: 2 Mile Bike or 1 mile Jog 

